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2n2222 transistor electronic
2n2222  transistor electronic
What electronics use 2N2222 transistor?
2N2222 NPN transistor has been commonly used for switching and very high frequency(VHF) amplifier applications. It is made of silicon material and specially designed for low voltage, low to medium current, and low power amplifier applications.
What is the difference between 2N2222 and 2n2222A?
Both parts are about the same. The 2n2222A is a slight bit better in terms of Vceo, Vcbo, Vebo. But if you are not planning on stressing the part (higher voltages, etc) both will work well, especially for simple switching and logic circuits
How does 2N2222 transistor work?
Working of 2N2222

As I have mentioned before, it's a current controlled transistor. So, a small current at the base terminal is used to drive high current between the other two terminals. It is used for switching purposes because of its fast response time.
Can I use BC547 instead of 2N2222?
You can update the circuit at anytime, you can replace the 2n2222 NPN transistors with the BC547 and it will have no negative effect on the project.
PN2222 vs 2N2222

For most purposes, they are interchangeable. But there are subtle differences between them. Firstly, package, PN2222 is in a molded-epoxy TO-92; 2N2222 is in a TO-18 metal can. Secondly, gain and leakage characteristics, PN2222A is properly a repackaging of 2N2222A, a better version of 2N2222.
Image result for 2n2222 transistor pins | Electronic circuit design,  Electronics mini projects, Transistors
2N2222A Pinout, Features, Equivalent & Datasheet
voltage - Can this transistor (2N2222) take 6 V on emitter-base? Am I  reading the datasheet incorrectly? - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange

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