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IOT (Internet of Things)

IoT (Internet of Things) skills and you can transform any business in any industry, from manufacturing to saving endangered species. Imagine 26 billion people, systems, and physical objects connecting and sharing data seamlessly over the internet. This isn't a what-if scenario, it's real-life and it’s coming together all around us right now. Learn how IoT is changing the world and the IoT skills you will need to land a well-paying job.

Training Topics

  • What is IoT, how does it work
  • Difference between Embedded device and IoT device
  • Properties of IoT device
  • IoT Ecosystem
  • IoT Decision Framework
  • IoT Solution Architecture Models
  • How IoT is Transforming Businesses
  • Major IoT Boards in Market
  • Explore Raspberry Pi


We provide an best traning for Enginnering Students , you can enroll with the better price .

Works with hands on expirence.

Unlock the true potential within yourself with our IOT course in Bangalore. In this course, you will learn various concepts and techniques ofIOT . We also have hands-on projects and case studies for candidates to understand the IOT training in Bangalore better.

For more Qureies

Contact:- +91 9972364704

Mifratech websites : https://www.mifratech.com/public/
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Duration : 60 Hours + 20 Hours(Training+Project).

Contact : +91 9972364704

REGISTER FOR IOT (Internet of Things)