This project is aimed at developing an Online Banking for customer. The system is an online application that can be accessed throughout the organization and outside as well with proper login provided.
The project has been planned to be having the view of distributed architecture, with centralized storage of the database. The application for the storage of the data has been planned. Using the constructs of Oracle 10g and all the user interfaces have been designed using the JAVA. The database connectivity is planned using the “Database” methodology. The standards of security and data protective mechanism have been given a big choice for proper usage. The application takes care of different modules and their associated reports, which are produced as per the applicable strategies and standards that are put forwarded by the administrative staff.
Internet Banking is all about knowing our customer need and provide them with the right service at the right time through right channel 24*7 day a week.
Being “electronic”, it not only provides its customers with faster and better facilities, it even reduces the manual overhead of accounts maintenance.
APANA-BANK C.P. is one of the most prestigious BANKs in India. Founded as a Public BANK in 1972 in New Delhi, it is a private institution run by the Delhi Public BANK Society.
APANA-BANK, C.P. is affiliated to the Central Board of Bank (CBB), which is the largest educational board in the country. It is recognized by the Department of Education, Govt. of NCT Delhi and the Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India. Over 5000 BANKs in India, with over 80,000 students, are members of the Board.
The BANK is also affiliated to the Indian Public BANKs' Conference (IPSC), and the National Progressive BANKs' Conference (NPSC). The members of these organizations include some of the premier BANKs in the country.
Life at DPSRKP centers on a shared commitment to academic excellence, intellectual growth, art, athletics, high standards of ethical awareness, sportsmanship, and community service. The BANK's traditions and accessibility to a broad curriculum add depth to each student’s life.
The BANK upholds the founders' commitment to excellence in all fields, with emphasis on its motto Service Before Self.
The Online Banking suite provides a global accounting foundation that provides the all private banks with electronic banking facilities. It allows client of private banks to carry out their day to day banking transactions.
The Online Banking project is widely applicable with private banks. It can even be used in industries for their personal transactions (working).
Functional components of the project:
Following are the functional needs of the software:-
1. Customer must have a valid user ID and password to login to the system.
2. After the valid user logs in, the system shows the present balance in that particular account number.
3. Customer can perform transactions like deposit and withdrawal from his account.
4. Proper help to be provided as and when requested by the customer.
Software Required:
The project is implemented in Core Java as it provides the implementation of Socket and Server Socket classes that are used to connect distinct applications, hence the software’s required in the creation and execution of the project are j2sdk1.7 or Eclipse .As we know JAVA is a platform independent language so this software runs with JRE environment on any desired platform i.e. Linux ,windows 9x, XP, or 2000 or any operating system.
Hardware Required:
As the project does not involve any database, its hardware requirements are minimal. Any System with Pentium P2 or above processor, 32MB RAM, 1GB Hard Disk, a LAN Card, and a CDROM is sufficient. Its network based software so computers connected with any kind of mode (wireless, LAN connected etc) will suit its requirements. . . . It can also be run on a single machine for its demo use.
Best suited in laboratory where we can run its server on any machine and many clients can use it simultaneously.
Technologies and Requriments
My Eclipse
Front End:
JSP, JDBC, Javascript, AJAX
Programming Language:
Back End:
Oracle 10g
This project developed, incorporated all the activities involved in the browsing centre.
It provides all necessary information to the management as well as the customer with the use of this system; the user can simply sit in front of the system and monitor all the activities without any physical movement of the file. Management can service the customers request best in time.
The system provides quickly and valuable information. These modules have been integrated for effective use of the management for future forecasting and for the current need.
The system can be designed for further enhancement .This could also be developed according to the growing needs of the customer.
Note : Find the best solution for electronics components and technical projects ideas
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