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Currency Converter – Python Project
Currency Converter – Python Project

zzzzzzzzzzzzzCurrency Converter in Python



The currency converter project in python requires you to have basic knowledge of python programming and the pygame library.


tkinter – For User Interface (UI)

requests – to get url

To install the tkinter and requests library, type the following code in your terminal:


pip install tkinter

pip install requests


Steps to Build the Python Project on Currency Converter

  1. Real-time Exchange rates
  2. Import required Libraries
  3. CurrencyConverter Class
  4. UI for CurrencyConverter
  5. Main Function

1. Real-time Exchange rates

To get real-time exchange rates, we will use: https://api.exchangerate-api.com/v4/latest/USD

Here, we can see the data in JSON format, with the following details:

Base – USD: It means we have our base currency USD. which means to convert any currency we have to first convert it to USD then from USD, we will convert it in whichever currency we want.

Date and time: It shows the last updated date and time.

Rates: It is the exchange rate of currencies with base currency USD.

2. Import the libraries:

For this project based on Python, we are using the tkinter and requests library. So we need to import the library.

3.1. Let’s create the constructor of class.

import requests

from tkinter import *

import tkinter as tk

from tkinter import ttk

requests.get(url) load the page in our python program and then .json() will convert the page into the json file. We store it in a data variable.

3.2. Convert() method:

def convert(self, from_currency, to_currency, amount): 

    initial_amount = amount 

    #first convert it into USD if it is not in USD.

    # because our base currency is USD

    if from_currency != 'USD' : 

        amount = amount / self.currencies[from_currency] 


    # limiting the precision to 4 decimal places 

    amount = round(amount * self.currencies[to_currency], 4) 


    return amount

This method takes following arguments:

From_currency: currency from which you want to convert.
to _currency: currency in which you want to convert.
Amount: how much amount you want to convert.

And returns the converted amount.


url = 'https://api.exchangerate-api.com/v4/latest/USD'

converter = RealTimeCurrencyConverter(url)



4. Now let’s create a UI for the currency converter

To Create UI we will create a class CurrencyConverterUI

def __init__(self, converter):
self.title = 'Currency Converter'
self.currency_converter = converter

Converter: Currency Converter object which we will use to convert currencies. Above code will create a Frame.

Let’s Create the Converter

self.intro_label = Label(self, text = 'Welcome to Real Time Currency Convertor', fg = 'blue', relief = tk.RAISED, borderwidth = 3)
self.intro_label.config(font = ('Courier',15,'bold'))
self.date_label = Label(self, text = f"1 Indian Rupee equals = {self.currency_converter.convert('INR','USD',1)} USD \n Date : {self.currency_converter.data['date']}", relief = tk.GROOVE, borderwidth = 5)
self.intro_label.place(x = 10 , y = 5)
self.date_label.place(x = 170, y= 50)

NOTE: This Code part of __init__ method.

Let’s create the main function.

First, we will create the Converter. Second, Create the UI for Converter

if __name__ == '__main__':

    url = 'https://api.exchangerate-api.com/v4/latest/USD'

    converter = RealTimeCurrencyConverter(url)

















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