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Motion detection circuit
Motion detection circuit


PIR Motion Detector Circuit



Passive Infra-Red motion sensor is mostly used in security-based designs, and due to their robust operation and low-cost simple security circuits also includes PIR sensor in design. The PIR motion detector circuit is designed with a relay to turn on an electric bulb whenever the PIR sensor detects motion.


 This circuit can be implemented anywhere like a staircase or front gate etc., and when the PIR sensor detects a person’s movement it will trigger Relay and makes an electric bulb glow.



PIR Sensor


5V Relay


Transistor BC547


Diode 1N4007


Resistor 1KΩ


9V battery


Electric Bulb





Make the connections as shown in the diagram

pir sensor motion detector circuit mifratech




This PIR sensor has only three terminals and gives a logical output when detecting the motion, Hence it can be used in stand-alone alarms, security circuits, or light automation circuits. The PIR motion detection circuit is constructed with a few easily available components, you can use the Relay breakout board also, The PIR sensor Output pin is connected to the switching transistor BC547 base and the Relay coil is connected to the switching transistor collector terminal another end of the Relay coil is connected to the positive supply, the electric bulb is connected with N/O (Normally Open) terminal when the Relay turn On then common pin makes contact with N/O pin and then bulb starts to glow.



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