There are two modules, they are
1. Electrical vehicle
2. Charging station
Module 1 has vehicle unit that consists of sensor modules I,e temperature sensor and voltage sensor, these two sensor values readed by esp32 controller and monitoring in iot cloud i.e thingspeak opensource cloud as well as values shown in lcd display, and temperature reaching beyond the limit then automatically buzzer beep sound will come, and voltage sensor values readiing interms of percentage, when percentage reaches below the threshold then automatically buzzer warning will come, vehicle will move foraward, vehicle holding with rfid tags.
Module 2 has charging station that consists of rfid reader, and tags, esp8266 controller module, and 16*2 lcd display, this module mainly to identify whether the vehicle is registred for charging station or not, since vehicle has to detect the rfid tag to the reader and details will be shown in lcd module, name and vehicle owner name further they can allow for charging.
Hardware specification
Vehicle unit
2.dc motor
3.driver circuit
4.voltage sensor
6.lcd display
Charging station unit
2.rfid module
3.lcd display