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₹ 10000

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Sericulture (silk production) is a major occupation of rural community. Producing about 15% share of the world silk produce, India is the 2nd largest silk producer after China whose total produce amounts to a staggering 80%. Analysis of sericulture practices in India shows a clear need of automation especially during pre-cocoon stages. Sericulture denotes to the rearing of silkworm to produce silk. Parameters like Temperature, Humidity and Light intensity are the important factors in the progression of silkworms and suitable encouraging must to be done according to the requisites in every stage. Environmental variations assume as the important part in the growth and development of silkworm. The actuator sub-system achieves the corrective measures using the actuators placed in that zone of the unit. Sericulture is the important occupation in India and the techniques used by the agriculturists are yet outdated. Hereafter there is the need of developing modernization in sericulture cultivate. This endeavour gives a thought of providing automation in sericulture cultivate. The model goals at making use of developing technology that is IOT and smart Sericulture using automation. Observing environmental parameters of the silkworm rearing house is the most important aspect to improve vintage of the silk. The specialty of this model comprises enhancement of a system which can observe temperature, humidity, light power through sensors using NodeMcu and in case of any variations in the parameters send a notification on the user mobile application using internet connection. This system permits for data assessment and scheduling to be programmed through the Arduino IDE software.


India rank 2nd globally in the field of silk production says the in the report by central silk board. On the other hand, only 15% of global silk production is contributed by India as compared to china which produces 85% of silk. Sericulture is the field in which production of silk is done by raising the silkworm. Sericulture mainly deals with the preparation of silk by nurturing the silkworms. Production of silk is very time taking as well as dedicate and difficult method. Silkworm is considered as one of the utmost essential housetrained creatures that harvest dynamic silk-fibre in the shape of cocoon by ingesting mulberry leaves throughout the initial that is larval stage. The foremost cause that can be recognized for enormous difference is absence of mechanization in the sericulture department. The seasonal changes disturb the environmental change in the silk worm rearing house, which affects the weight of cocoon and shell ratio, as well as cocoon quality. 

Hence, the quality of silk is affected due to the environmental change in the silkworm rearing house. To improve the production and quality of silk thread, usage of automation in sericulture is suggested in this paper. Research shows that the environmental parameters perform a vigorous part in the harvest of silk. By controlling the numerous environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and light intensity throughout the lifespan of the silk-worm promises enhancement in the silk quality and quantity. It has been researched that each moult that is growth period of silk-worm necessitates a particular set of standards of environmental factors to reach an optimal income of silk.

Sericulture is basically a practice of producing silk by rearing silkworms. It has been traditionally a primary occupation in India. Studies depict that environmental factors play a vital role in the yield of silk. Stringent control of several environmental parameters such as temperature, relative humidity, light, during the lifecycle of a silkworm assures improvement in quality and quantity of silk. It should be noted that every moult i.e. growth stage of a silkworm requires a certain set of values of environmental parameters to achieve an optimum yield. This requirement varies for every moult. For e.g. early stages of silkworm require relatively higher temperature as they are highly active and eat vigorously.





Hardware components

1.                 Node MCU

2.                 DHT11

3.                 LDR Sensor

4.                 16X2 LCD

5.                 Cooler

6.                 Heater

7.                 Light

8.                 Water Sprinkler

9.                 Power Supply

10.            Jumper Wires


Software components

1.     Embedded C

2.     Arduino ide

3.     Blynk app


This “IoT Based Automated Sericulture System” gives automation and guided control in sericulture advances by employing NodeMcu and IoT technology based invention. The proposed system facilities and conduct the environmental conditions to be reserved inside the silkworm rearing house. Required edge values for parameters like temperature, relative humidity and light intensity can be stable based on the environmental circumstances. On the basis of requirement fan, light, and heater is turned on and off based on required environmental condition. The planned system is financially affordable and power effective organization. Implemented test of this prototype system validates that the proposed system can work gradually to observe the environmental conditions inside the silkworm raising house. The proposed system reduces the man power and reduces the chance of errors. The model is easy to implement and use.

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