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Tuberculosis is a major problem and rapidly spread disease in all over the world. Accurate diagnosis is the key to controlling the disease.

Price : 16000

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Approx 12

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₹ 16000

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Tuberculosis is a major problem and rapidly spread disease in all over the world. Accurate diagnosis is the key to controlling the disease. Traditional methods like tuberculin skin test (TST), Acid fast staining produce results that are inaccurate or take more time to detect. This paper presents an automated approach to detect tuberculosis using chest radiographs. A chest radiographic image is chosen to detect tuberculosis. In the existing method, cavity detection, ribs and diaphragm elimination is difficult to examine tuberculosis in chest radiographs. To overcome the difficulties lung region is extracted by using registration based segmentation methods. Segmentation of lung regions is performed after the registration process to handle complex segmentation problems. The performance of our system is evaluated by using two datasets: Montgomery country (MC) and Japanese society of


When TB germs survive and multiply in the lungs, it is called a TB infection. A TB infection may be in one of three stages. Symptoms are different in each stage.

Primary TB infection. The first stage is called the primary infection. Immune system cells find and capture the germs. The immune system may completely destroy the germs. But some captured germs may still survive and multiply.

Most people don't have symptoms during a primary infection. Some people may get flu-like symptoms, such as:

  • Low fever.
  • Tiredness.
  • Cough.

Latent TB infection. Primary infection is usually followed by the stage called latent TB infection. Immune system cells build a wall around lung tissue with TB germs. The germs can't do any more harm if the immune system keeps them under control. But the germs survive. There are no symptoms during latent TB infection

Symptoms of active TB disease in the lungs usually begin gradually and worsen over a few weeks. They may include:

  • Cough.
  • Coughing up blood or mucus.
  • Chest pain.
  • Pain with breathing or coughing.
  • Fever.
  • Chills.
  • Night sweats.
  • Weight loss.
  • Not wanting to eat.
  • Tiredness.
  • Not feeling well in general.

Preventing the spread of disease

If you have active TB disease, you'll need to take steps to prevent other people from getting an infection. You will take drugs for four, six or nine months. Take all of the drugs as directed during the entire time.

During the first 2 to 3 weeks, you will be able to pass TB bacteria to others. Protect others with these steps:

  • Stay home. Don't go to work or school.
  • Isolate at home. Spend as little time as possible among members of your household. Sleep in a separate room.
  • Ventilate the room. Tuberculosis germs spread more easily in small, closed spaces. If it's not too cold outdoors, open the windows. Use a fan to blow air out. If you have more than one window, use one fan to blow air out and another to blow air in.
  • Wear face masks. Wear a mask when you have to be around other people. Ask other members of the household to wear masks to protect themselves.
  • Cover your mouth. Use a tissue to cover your mouth anytime you sneeze or cough. Put the dirty tissue in a bag, seal it and throw it away.

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