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A Vision System for Detection and Tracking of Stop-Lines

A Vision System for Detection and Tracking of Stop-Lines

Price : 12000

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Course Duration
Approx 12

Course Price
₹ 12000

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Course Content

This paper presents a computer vision algorithm that detects, by analyzing lanemarking detection results, stop-lines and tracks, using an unscented Kalman filter, the detected stop-line over time. To detect lateral and longitudinal lane-markings, our method applies a spatial filter emphasizing the intensity contrast between lanemarking pixels and their neighboring pixels. We then examine the detected lanemarkings to identify perpendicular, geometry layouts between longitudinal and lateral lane-markings for stop-line detection. To provide reliable stop-line recognition, we developed an unscented Kalman filter to track the detected stop-line over frames. Through the testings with real-world, busy urban street videos, our method demonstrated promising results, in terms of the accuracy of the initial detection accuracy and the reliability of the tracking. 

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