Voice Assistance for Dumb People On Hand Gestures
Voice Assistance for Dumb People Based On Hand Gestures
Price : 8000
Voice Assistance for Dumb People Based On Hand Gestures
Price : 8000
It is very difficult for dumb people to convey their message to normal people. Since regular people are not trained on hand sign language, the communication becomes very difficult. In emergency or other times when a dumb person travelling or among new people communication with nearby people or conveying a message becomes very difficult. Here we propose a voice assistance system that helps dumb people in conveying their message to normal people using hand motions and gestures. The system makes use of a hand motion reading system equipped with motion and flex sensors along with a PC unit. This system is powered by a battery powered circuitry to run it. A laptop/PC is used for processing the data and operating the system. The system consists of several stored messages like “need help”, “where is the washroom” and so on that help dumb people convey basic messages. The system reads persons hand motions for different variations of hand movement. It also consists of a trigger sensor in order to intimidate that the person wishes to activate the system and speak something. This ensures the system does not speak when the person is just involuntarily making hand motions. The laptop/PC constantly receives input sensor values and then processes it. Now it searches for matching messages for the set of sensor values. Once it is found in memory this message is retrieved and is spoken out using text to speech processing through the interfaced speaker. The message can be spoken out in different languages depending on the languages known by regular person. It speaks out in 4 Indian languages one by one until the particular language is preferred by the regular person. Thus we have a voice assistant system to help dumb people communicate with regular people using a simple wearable device.
When power is ON, the position and orientation of hand is obtained from the data glove that consists of four Flex sensors on fingers (Thumb, index, middle, and ring). Flex sensors can measure the bend of the five fingers when making a sign. When the user performs a gesture, signals coming from the sensors are amplified via a dedicated amplification circuit to each signal. The voice output is produced if the language is recognized by the regular people the dumb person coveys the message based on hand gestures.
Hardware Requirement
· Arduino Microcontroller
· Flex Sensor
· Power Supply
· Speaker
In emergency or other times when a dumb person travelling or among new people communication with nearby people or conveying a message becomes very difficult. Here we propose a voice assistance system that helps dumb people in conveying their message to normal people using hand motions and gestures. The system makes use of a hand motion reading system equipped with motion and flex sensors along with a PC unit. This system is powered by a battery powered circuitry to run it. A laptop/PC is used for processing the data and operating the system. The system consists of several stored messages like “need help”, “where is the washroom” and so on that help dumb people convey basic messages. The system reads persons hand motions for different variations of hand movement. It also consists of a trigger sensor in order to intimidate that the person wishes to activate the system and speak something. This ensures the system does not speak when the person is just involuntarily making hand motions. The laptop/PC constantly receives input sensor values and then processes it. Now it searches for matching messages for the set of sensor values.