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Portable Intensive Care Unit Equipment Using IoT

Portable Intensive Care Unit Equipment Using IoT

Price : 12000

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Course Duration
Approx 10

Course Price
₹ 12000

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Course Content

Many lives have been affected every day in remote areas mainly because the patients are not timely and properly treated by the healthcare centers, that unfortunately resulting in loss of human lives. In most of the rural hospitals, patients are unable to get the timely response because of lack of human resources and facilities. In some cases, it becomes even difficult for hospitals to frequently check patients’ conditions and update their record on a regular basis. To deal with these sorts of real time problems, we have designed a portable healthcare system, which can be easily adopted in the health care centers. The proposed health care system can be used to measure and monitor various health indicators like temperature, ECG, Blood Pressure, heartbeat etc. The measured parameters of the patient will be recorded using ESP8266 module and stored in the cloud server. The Doctors can login to the website, view the parameters and can take the necessary action. Keywords: Health care system, Human Resource ECG, ICU, ESP8266, IoT.

Portable Intensive Care Unit Equipment Using IoT



·       ESP 8266 Controller

·       Temperature Sensor

·       ECG Sensor

·       Pulse Sensor

·       Moisture Sensor

·       Buzzer

·       LCD Display


Considering the real time health care problems in remote areas, we have designed the portable health care unit. The main aim of our proposed work is to measure The sensors study the records from the more than one pieces of a casing and sends it to the ESP32 where it contrasts the received insights and set edge esteems and works therefore. The received measurements are sent to the observing station which shops the realities. Tracking station contrasts the received records and the acquired records and evaluations if any mistakes realities is gotten the health indicators of the patient and to provide timely interaction between patient, care taker and the doctor. Our portable unit measures the health parameters frequently and updates the record on regular basis. These are records are made available to care takers and doctor using IoT and cloud computing technologies. We have included the parameters like body temperature, pulse and oxygen level, ECG and blood pressure as health indicators and also set the threshold level for each of these parameters. Every time the parameter is measured, it will be compared with set threshold values. If any parameter is not in the acceptable range, then immediately alarming messages will be sent to care takers and doctors to take up the necessary action. Both specialist and patients can share their data through portable application and patient get recommendations or treatment data through the application as it were. The exactness of the web application, execution of the framework and circuit are tested and verified. Estimated results are contrasted and standard hardware results and displays the presentation of the proposed circuit with the assistance of the webpage is generally excellent. The proposed portable system can be easily adopted in the remote health care centers to provide the timely response to their patients.

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